2022 Appreciations

Appreciations 感謝:

☸️ We sincerely thank Ven. U Janakābhivamsa’s 16 inspiring teachings on Dāna Pāramī – Perfection of Generosity. October 1 was the last teaching on this topic. 衷心感謝 迦納咖毘旺薩尊者 16堂有關布施波羅蜜的教導 . 教導 10 月 1 日圓滿結結束.
Teachings Recordings/教導錄音 : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEDcbe4CnI2FGLpiRZeOAUFAY1Bxj-yf0

☸️ We are very honored to have Venerable Sayadaw U Aggañña, Bhante Pannadipa, and Bhante Paramarnada spent their 2022 vassa in Elijay. The vassa closing ceremony was held at PATVH Georgia USA meditation hall and Pavarana ceremony was conducted at our Sīmā site on October 9, 2022.

During the vassa period, Sayadaw gave dhamma talks, led a 10-daymeditation retreat, had weekend retreats, and constantly provided blessings/advices to the devotees. In addition, most admirably/ auspiciously, Sayadaw ordained 7 novice sāmaṇera and 8 novice Sayalays during this vassa.

We have most sincerely respects/thanks to all volunteers coming from Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, New York, Texas and Malaysia to support/sustain the monastery during this vassa. We also appreciate all participating yogis and novice sayalays/sāmaṇera who came from around US to practicing/mediating in Elijay.
📸 2022 Vassa Photos 📸