2022 Ven. U Janakābhivamsa Dhamma Teaching Series

US Time 美國時間 : 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month/每月的第 1 和第 3 個星期六
US Eastern Daylight Time: Saturday 8:30pm/美東星期六晩上八點半
US Pacific Daylight Time:   Saturday 5:30pm/美西星期六晩上五點半
Asian Time 亞洲時間: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month/每月的第一個和第三個星期日
Myanmar time: Sunday 8:00am/ 緬甸星期日早上八點
China time: Sunday 9:30am/中國星期日早上九點半

Language 語言 : English 英文,
Simultaneous Chinese Interpretation 中文 同步翻译 
Earphone can help in sound volume & quality. 提供中文同步翻譯。請準備好耳機 聽中文同步翻 效果會好很多。

Zoom Teaching Info
Meeting ID: 811 5399 5486
Passcode: 202202
️Please submit your online questions using the following link. 網上提交問題請用下面鏈結: https://forms.gle/k3GebqZeSDgBia926

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We look forward to having you in this upcoming Dhamma Teaching Series.
Host 主辦: PATVH Georgia USA 帕奧禪林美國喬州
Cohost 協辦: PATVDH Singapore 帕奧止觀修行林新加坡

2022 Previous Teachings: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEDcbe4CnI2FGLpiRZeOAUFAY1Bxj-yf0