2022/23 Ven. U Kumarābhivamsā Dhamma Teaching Series

We sincerely thank Ven. Kumarābhivamsā ’s 25 inspiring teachings on
The Buddha’s Last Days(Mahāparinibbāna Sutta DN 16). May 27th, 2023 was the last teaching on this topic. 衷心感謝古瑪拉毘旺薩尊者 25堂大般涅槃經的教導 . 教導 5 月 27日圓滿結結束.

📝 Teachings Recordings & lecture notes/教導錄音和筆記:

💻 The Buddha’s last days:
💻 大般涅槃经:
📝Lecture notes:

US Time 美國時間 : 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month/每月的第二和第四個星期六
US Eastern: Sat. 9:30pm EDT/8:30pm EST; 美國東部星期六夏令時晚上九點半/
US Pacific: 6:30pm PDT/5:30pm PST; 太平洋夏令時星期六晚上六點半/標準時晚上五點半
Asian Time 亞洲時間: 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month/每月的第二個和第四個星期日
Myanmar: Sunday, 8:00am/緬甸星期日早上八點
Singapore: Sunday, 9:30am/新加坡星期日早上九點半
China: Sunday, 9:30am /中國星期日早上九點半

Zoom Teaching Info
Meeting ID: 811 5399 5486
Passcode: 202202

Language 語言 : English 英文, 中文同步翻译
Please submit your online questions using the following link:

Please let us know if you have any other questions. We look forward to having you in this upcoming Dhamma Teaching Series.
Host 主辦: PATVH Georgia USA 帕奧禪林美國喬州
Cohost 協辦: PATVDH Singapore 帕奧止觀修行林新加坡