Teachings & Events

📢 New Teaching Announcements 📢

⚠️ No class in April. Next class by Ven. Kumarābhivamsā will be on May 11th. 四月沒有課,下一堂課將於 5 月 11 日 。

UBEF Activities at the end of May and early June/五月底 六月初 UBEF活動預告

❇️ 見法尊者佛法分享, 主題 – 定位分享

❇️ Venerable Kovida , PaAuk Meditation Teacher
Topic: Essence of Bojjhanga Sutta – The Enlightenment Factors

果維達尊者, 帕奧襌林業處導師 。
主題 – 覺支經心要

Next Teaching Reminders /下個教學提醒

⚠️ No class in April. Next class by Ven. Kumarābhivamsā will be on May 11. 四月沒有課,下一堂課將於 5 月 11 日 。


Giving Support
Giving support during the time when the monastery is in need is a very special “kala-dana”. This support will bring happiness and great merits to the giver and it leads to final liberation; benefiting not only the current moment but also at the right time in the future in abundance. Learn more about dana, how we use your donation, and how to donate here.


To propagate Samatha Vipassana Meditation for the realization of Four Noble Truths: The Noble Truth of Suffering;
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering;
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering;
The Noble Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation of Suffering.


–The Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw 帕奧禪師